Why I became a Travel Agent? : TravelLenny.com
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Why I became a Travel Agent?

by Lenny Travel on 06/11/23

When I started advertising tours and cruises, some of my FB friends started to wonder:
"Why did you become a Travel Agent?".
And I decided to answer it in my blog. The answer is very simple - because I was very fond of mathematics at school, and participated in the math competitions and I can count.
"What's the math here?" they asked.
Make yourself some coffee, sit at your computer screens and watch my calculations, and you will understand everything. I have been living in America for 31 years. Approximately 25 years of them I was vacationing in the Caribbean, or other places (Europe Cruises, Canada, Mexico). And I usually went twice a year. And so, we do the math: On average, 1 trip for  my wife and me costs about $3,500 x 2 times a year x 25 years will be approximately = $175,000.

Considering that as a base number, further I traveled with friends + 2-3 couples and we booked tickets together, then this would be (let's take only +1 couple) $175K x 2 = $350K. Imagine, if I had made the decision to become a Travel Agent 25 years ago. 
Can you imagine how much of the commissions I would make (just for booking for myself and friends) from $350K? Impressive? That's it.
Yes, my FB friends will say:" But you do not have a Time Machine to go back to the past and make a decision to become a Travel Agent then, in the past". 
Yes, it's true, I can't go back to the past, but I can plan the future and could save money on future trips. 
And what about you, my  friends, would you like to travel with me on the Time Machine into the future with travel discounts? 
If "Yes", then view my animation video, click on the link, and contact me, and we will  chat about future trips, I will share with you the possibility to travel like Travel Agents do. 
http://www.travellenny.com/  917-442-7677

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